Your home of spirituality and wisdom is the Miami Beach Ashram!

SKYLIGHT YOGA Ashram is a profound Yoga school and private Yoga studio in Miami Beach, FL, that purely serves the purpose of Yoga in the peaceful, spiritual atmosphere of a traditional Yoga Ashram. Ashramas are spiritual schools, communities and residences for the teachings of Yoga. In Sanskrit, āśhrama is derived from the root, śram, for working or exerting, meaning, the Ashram is where Yoga lives!
Ashrams range from one-person establishments to grounds with hundreds of residents. Usually, different ashrams emphasize different paths. SKYLIGHT YOGA Ashram instills Yoga's four main paths leading to the same truth, Integral Yoga. Established in the living Guru Parampara, the unbroken link of knowledge and consciousness channeled from Guru to Disciple - His Holiness Swami Jyotirmayananda to Sri Sudarshan and all SKYLIGHT YOGA Teachers - we provide the safety and serenity for your personal development and pursuing the higher ideals in life.
Ashrams have existed in India for thousands of years and are the very soil from which the seeds of Yoga grew worldwide. To transmit the knowledge and practice of Yoga, the Enlightened Gurus, Self-Realized Masters, and Sages of Yoga - from the ancient way to the modern day - have founded ashrams as living establishments of teachings that exemplify the synthesis of Yoga.
Ashram also means ashraya implying safety, a haven, or a place of retreat from the noisiness and busyness of the world, where we can have the time, space, and inspiration to study, meditate, and realize. An ashram is a place where the atmosphere is charged with sacred, healing, and nurturing energy. The presiding Teacher, Guru, or Spiritual Preceptor of the Ashram lives on-premise to facilitate education and interaction with truth-seekers at all times. From this profound connection, aspirants gain spiritual nourishment, inner strength, and wisdom.
Seekers of purity, focus, and shelter for physical and mental health also turn to the Ashram for the discipline of its daily schedule. Ashrams are known for catalyzing inner transformation by taming the ego so that it becomes a vehicle for the realization and expression of the deeper understanding, wisdom, and joy of life. SKYLIGHT YOGA Ashram is where you can face your personal problems through spiritual counseling and thereby become liberated from their destructive hold on you. SKYLIGHT YOGA Ashram is where we can work toward all of our goals, live simply with the attitude of loving-kindness, and receive profound guidance in the true meaning of Enlightenment.

Welcome: our doors are open to all who aspire to know themselves and the real meaning of Yoga and Spirituality.
Yoga & Meditation School: waterfront sanctuary for learning and teaching the art and science of Yoga Meditation.
Library: ashram houses a vast array of Scriptures, books and rare publications written by Illumined Sages.
Food: ashram provides a traditional Indian, pure vegan and Yogic diet, and cooking classes can be arranged.
Sattvic (Pure): ashram consumes no alcohol, drugs, meat, fish, eggs, garlic, onions or mushrooms.
Drinking Water: refill your water bottle with spiritually-fortified and Mantra-infused natural spring water.
Visiting Swamis: we welcome visiting Guests, Sadhakas and Teachers to the ashram for personal retreats.
Silence: please maintain the tranquil atmosphere of the ashram and observe silence between 10pm and 6am.
TTC: throughout our Yoga Teachers Training Certifications, the ashram remains open for reservations during non-course hours.
Karma Yoga: selfless service is an essential part of Yoga and the ashram experience that helps us overcome egoistic attitudes.
Hygiene: external cleanliness and internal purity are in harmony for the ashram is cleaned and refreshed every day.
Wash Room: full private bathroom with shower, sink, toilet, towels, linens and organic products kindly provided.
Parking: free on all surrounding streets and from 6PM-8AM in the parking lot at 79th Street & Harding Avenue.